Executive Committee Vs Board of Directors

The existence of an executive committee could be beneficial for non-profits that need to get work done quickly and efficiently. Some boards may have difficulty in defining the difference between an executive board and a board.

The executive committee is made up of members who handle urgent issues. They also act as the board’s ears and eyes during meetings. They usually consist of 3-7 members.

The executive committee typically has the vice-chairperson as well as a secretary. The chairperson’s job is to be the voice of your board and also to oversee the committee. The vice-chairperson helps to support the chairperson and may serve as a substitute when needed. The secretary keeps the minutes of meetings, a calendar for the committee and makes sure that everyone has access to committee documents.

Although the executive committee is a subcommittee within the board, it has the power to direct the company. King suggests that boards should carefully consider the delegation of functions www.boardroomsupply.com/how-to-run-a-board-meeting/ to an executive committee, so that it doesn’t result in an unwelcome «two-tier» power situation in which the committee takes on decision-making power that, according to the constitution and/or law, are properly the responsibility of the board.

An executive committee can be a valuable tool for nonprofits, particularly when it’s not feasible or feasible for the board to meet in person to discuss urgent issues. The executive committee provides an opportunity for leaders who are closely connected to the organisation through their leadership to make important decisions regarding top-level workplace issues, organizational oversight, and development of the board.

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